Courses Taught
- Environmental Impact Assessments at the Local & Global Levels
- The Science and Practice of Environmental Communication in Global Context
- Disaster Risk Reduction for a Resilient World
- Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Research
- A Water Journey: from Glaciers to Rivers and Lakes through Storytelling
- Geodynamics & Structural Geology
- Introduction to Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Sediments, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon
- Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment
- Natural Hazards and Risk Management in Mountain Regions
- Applied Tectonics & Surface Processes
- Introduction to Geology Lab
Short Courses
The following short courses were taught at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2023-2024):
- The Art of Communicating Risk: Tips for effective risk communication
- How to enhance natural hazard scientists’ contribution to disaster risk reduction
- How do I make my geoscience communication publishable?
Materials Developed
- Training course for Natural Hazard Researchers Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities
- A Virtual Fieldtrip to Central Asia Geological journeys through the Pamir
- The Ocean Senses Activities Book OceanSenses
- Climate Teaching Package INTEGRATE
- Earthquake Teaching Package ParsQuake